
Tutoring is student-directed support in a particular course or subject provided by an individual, often a peer, with advanced knowledge in that field. Tutoring can be set up in a variety of formats.  

  • Individual Tutoring: One-on-one meetings (scheduled or drop-in) for a designated time period, which could be recurring with the same tutor or change by appointment.  
  • Group Tutoring: Meetings with a group of students facilitated by a single tutor, often scheduled on a recurring basis.  
  • Embedded Tutoring : Tutor supports one course section by attending class and providing assistance during class activities and/or scheduled times outside of class.  
  • Help Room : Designated space for subject-specific support managed by an individual with subject knowledge. Help rooms are often drop-in locations for quick questions about the course or subject.  

Tutoring Services is a free service available to all students enrolled in the offered courses. 

Location: 424 Anschutz Library

Phone: 785-864-7733

E-mail: tutoring@ku.edu

Website: Academic Learning Center 

Course-specific individual tutoring for students registered with KU’s TRIO Program

Location: 6 Strong Hall

Phone: 785-864-3971

Email: ses-stem@ku.edu

Website: SES & STEM

Tutoring at The Point: A service to help Applied English Center students' study, learn, and become part of the KU community.

Location: Lippincott Hall

Phone: 785-864-4606

Email: aec@ku.edu

Website: Applied English Center Tutoring

LUS is offered through the Office for Diversity in Science Training and supports students enrolled in the following courses: BIOL 152, CHEM 130, 135, CHEM 330, and 335. 

Location: Haworth Hall, room 1002

Email: m.jones@ku.edu

Website: PLUS