English Communication and Foreign Language Support

Conversation groups are a safe space to practice your English language skills. They are a great way to learn more about KU, Lawrence, and American culture.

Lippincott Hall



Website: https://aec.ku.edu/conversation-groups-and-activities

Tutoring Services is a free service available to all students enrolled in the offered courses. 

Location: 424 Anschutz Library

Phone: 785-864-7733

E-mail: tutoring@ku.edu

Website: Academic Learning Center 

The KU Writing Center is excited to offer Spanish writing consultations for the first time this fall! Spanish writing consultations are available to students writing essays in Spanish or who feel more comfortable speaking to their consultant in Spanish.

Location: 424 Anschutz Library

Phone: 785-864-7733

Email: writing@ku.edu

Website: https://writing.ku.edu/spanish-writing-consultations